My name is Heather and I currently live in Niles, MI. I have one younger sister and my parents are still happily married. I graduated college from WSU in Detroit in 2002 with a bachelors. I work at a business downtown where I also live. Please feel free to email me I'd love to hear from you

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Wheatland Sept. 2006

For those of you that don't know what Wheatland is...
just keep reading...

Wheatland is a traditional folk music and bluegrass festival that is held the weekend after Labor Day in Wheatland Township in Remus, Michigan. The following is an excerpt from their website "The charitable and educational nonprofit organization has grown from offering a single event in 1974, to offering activities year-round, to meet its mission of preserving and presenting the traditional arts. Traditional arts are considered those learned person to person, passed from generation to the next, and influenced by culture, family, ethnicity, and era....Each year thousands of people converge on the 160-acre festival site to enjoy a wide variety of activities, as well as the star-studded lineup on the main stage. There is a juried arts and crafts show, a raffle, children’s activities, teen and young adult activities, instrument and dance workshops, music, food, fellowship and fun. Impromptu jam sessions can be found throughout the campgrounds all weekend long....Performers, artists and dancers are brought to Remus from across the nation to share art traditions featuring the blues, Cajun, bluegrass, gospel, and old time music, handcrafted arts and crafts, instrument making and more. Some of the artists appearing this year include Jay Unger and Molly Mason and their Family Band, Tim O’Brien, the Duhks, Ira Bernstein and Riley Baugus, and the Green Grass Cloggers." This is my Christmas of the year. I look forward to Wheatland as much as I do my birthday, and for those that know me, that’s the biggest holiday of them all (next to Teha's birthday of course!)

Above: (Front L-R) Mom (Karen), Pat, Dorothy (Back L-R) Me (and yes I am holding Pats *cough* Chicken *cough* to put it politely and my dad. For years I have been trying to get my parents to come to Wheatland, I just knew they would love it! and for the first time they came this year and I was SOOOOOOOOO excited to have them there, maybe next year they will come all 3 days not just one.

Below: This is my younger sister Emily at about 2am at my grandpas house in Remus. I like to tell myself he bought the house so I would have somewhere to stay the night before Wheatland but I'm sure I'm just lying to myself :).

Wheatland Sept. 2006 continued

I know this picture is hard to make out but it was one of the coolest things I have seen in a long time. The guy on the right is playing the fiddle and the guy on the left was playing the fiddle also,,,errr well he was playing ON the fiddle with drum sticks. It sounded soooo cool and it was neat to watch.

Becky's so damned talented that she can dance with her dad and brush her teeth at the same time! Her creativity and talent makes me jealous, I can't even tune a radio!

Above: EWWWWWWW they're kissing!!!!
Below: (L-R) Me, Jerrica, Brenda and Teha. This is my dress that Dorothy made for me, it is completley made of neck ties! its very warm and I LOVE IT!!

Can you think of a more creative and warm way to pass the time?


The next 3 pictures are of my friend David. He let loose at Wheatland this year :). First we start off at the wagon races with a group of people, then he let me draw on him with a Sharpie Marker (thats a Rolex btw!) and then we hung out in some peoples hammock :)


OK, at Wheatland I've seen 100 degrees, I've seen it rain cats and dogs and lamas but this year it was soooo cold we broke out the hoodies and fleece socks.

On the far right is my inherited sister, Becky. She is a clogger and currently is apprenticing/working for Rhythm and Shoes. Her 'boss' is the far left, Sharon. They are dancing on stage with The Duhks.

Above: (L-R) Jerrica, Andy and Teha. After a good night of drinking Andy finally let us see Camp Underbrush.

What's better than a picture of the Secondhand Man with the Junk Man?!