Wheatland Sept. 2006 continued
I know this picture is hard to make out but it was one of the coolest things I have seen in a long time. The guy on the right is playing the fiddle and the guy on the left was playing the fiddle also,,,errr well he was playing ON the fiddle with drum sticks. It sounded soooo cool and it was neat to watch.
The next 3 pictures are of my friend David. He let loose at Wheatland this year :). First we start off at the wagon races with a group of people, then he let me draw on him with a Sharpie Marker (thats a Rolex btw!) and then we hung out in some peoples hammock :)
On the far right is my inherited sister, Becky. She is a clogger and currently is apprenticing/working for Rhythm and Shoes. Her 'boss' is the far left, Sharon. They are dancing on stage with The Duhks.
What's better than a picture of the Secondhand Man with the Junk Man?!
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