My name is Heather and I currently live in Niles, MI. I have one younger sister and my parents are still happily married. I graduated college from WSU in Detroit in 2002 with a bachelors. I work at a business downtown where I also live. Please feel free to email me I'd love to hear from you

Thursday, November 30, 2006

More random historical stuff...

These are just more random pics from the ship, sub, sailboat and the historical buildings in Philly.

Above: These are hammocks on the oldest wooden battle ship still floating.
Below: This is the end of a sub where they load the torpedoes.

Above: This is the lunchroom/kitchen

Below: This is the only lunch area on the entire sub, 4 tables and they all have ledges all around the edges so stuff doesn't fall off.

Above: at the Sea Museum there is a working sailboat repair shop and they are building the out house part of a sailboat, its the part that houses the steering wheel and gauges.

Above: This is my dad's foot next to the chain of the anchor on the sailboat we visited. To put things in perspective my dad wears a size 13-14 shoe.

Below: This is the kitchen of the same sail boat.

Above: A battle ship from across the way. If I remember correctly it is the USS New Jersey.

Below: This is one of the orig. cobblestone roads. I just thought it was ankle breaking that people used to walk on these.

Below: The next few pictures are from the 1st Supreme Court and Congress.
Above: Orig. Pennsylvania Coat of Arms

Below: Thomas Jefferson's cane

Above: The "Sunrise Chair", It has been said that Ben Franklin gave a speech on the day of the signing of the declaration of independence that no one ever knew if it was a sun rise or a sun set carved in the top of the chair but now everyone knew a new day was coming and it was a sun rise.
Above: this is the angel in Penn Station.

Below: This was taken from the top of the gazebo that over looks the PA Waterworks.

Above: These are the stairs that the movie Rocky was filmed on.


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