Providence Canyon State Park in Lumpkin, Georgia
My name is Heather and I currently live in Niles, MI. I have one younger sister and my parents are still happily married. I graduated college from WSU in Detroit in 2002 with a bachelors. I work at a business downtown where I also live. Please feel free to email me I'd love to hear from you
Below: More pictures of Mar, Teha and I at the canyon
Above: So, to get to the top you kind of have to climb over these randomly placed pieces of wood,,,they weren't meant to be a baracade were they?
Above: This is looking across the top of the canyon
Below: this is looking straight down the side. Below: There was a church and cemetery on the way out and you know me I can't go anywhere and see an old cemetery and not stop.
Above: I thought this was short but sure said a lot about the man. Reminds me of my dad.
Ahh, Florida in January. I couldn't have asked for better weather. Below are (L-R) Josh, Marie, Teha and I on the beach in Panama City. P.S. Thanks to the random guy who took our picture for us. :) Nice to know we aren't the only crazy people out on the beach in Jan.
Good-bye Panama City, I will see you soon...
Well, we went to Philly for the NFDA (National Funeral Directors Convention) but we stayed a few extra days and went sight seeing.
Above: I am standing in front of a building that was built by Benjamin Franklin. It was his rental property and it sits next to the first post office which was also built by him. The two buildings are separated by a drive that I am standing in and leads to his home and workshop.
Below: That itty bitty ship in the background is the USS New Jersey.Below: We were walking along the river and staring at the battleship when we saw this sailboat. It is a HUGE sailboat though. We were looking at it when this guy came out and said that they only gave tours on the weekends and he was just there cleaning the boat but he let us on anyways and gave us a tour.
Captain Rick here :)
Below: After the sailboat we also got to see a submarine. My dad and I were standing in front of the beds wondering how someone actually slept in them.
These doors are soooo small. It is just like in the movies, you grab the handle bar above the door and swing your feet through.