My name is Heather and I currently live in Niles, MI. I have one younger sister and my parents are still happily married. I graduated college from WSU in Detroit in 2002 with a bachelors. I work at a business downtown where I also live. Please feel free to email me I'd love to hear from you

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Washington D.C. June 2006

This is my friends in D.C. We went in June for a Dave Matthews conctert. (L-R) Eric, Myself, Spencer who lives in DC and is an Economist for the Gov't, Eric S. and Sarah who also both live in DC and are friends of Spence's.

The pic above is Eric and I in front of the White House. We actually had to wait in line to get this picture taken lol. Yeah we're dorks! Everyone wanted their pic taken in the same spot.

This is Spence on the Metro at like 2AM . They have these wierd signs all over the metro trains. I just thought they were wierd so I took pics of them :)


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