My name is Heather and I currently live in Niles, MI. I have one younger sister and my parents are still happily married. I graduated college from WSU in Detroit in 2002 with a bachelors. I work at a business downtown where I also live. Please feel free to email me I'd love to hear from you

Thursday, August 10, 2006

North Carolina August 2006

Above: These are the waves at about 9pm. They were only about 3-4 feet. I'm used to the waves and water at Lake Michigan where they at 9-12 feet and the water doesnt taste like a bullion cube. The water was very nice and fun to play in but it tasted HORRIBLE!

Below: This was taken from our front porch at the lodge we stayed at on base. We were maybe 150 yards off the ocean.

Above is Teha and Elisha playing on the toys infront of our lodge. :)
Above and Below: They actually have STUDENT DRIVERS?????? These signs hung on Hummvees and buss' least i didnt see one one a helicopter!

Above: This helocopter was flying down the road directly above our car.

Below: This is one of those bridges that "levitate's"...well or spins if you want to be politically correct. It would spin sideways so that boats could get past the island.

Above: This picture serves 2 pourpouses 1) this is what the lodges looked like that we stayed in. 2) This is our neighbors and they are standing on the railing and picnic table to get cellphone service. Nextel doesnt work on the ocean. :)

Below: Teha, Elisha, Chad and Chris were walking across the bridge that covered the sand dunes and the sky was so pretty.

Below is Elisha and her boyfriend Chad, who is stationed at Cherry Point and above is Elisha passed out and Teha grabbing her butt. No molesting the sea turtles Teha (but Elisha's rear is OK)